Revolutionizing the Future of Finance

  • Write about what you know and what interests you. Most people have expertise in some field. Leverage this. If you are writing articles to promote your site, write articles on subjects that your visitors would also be interested 如何買比特幣. If a visitor finds this article – and a link to your site – they will more likely be a potential customer. Also, make sure it is something that you feel other webmasters would want. An article on your particular product will have a very limited audience. However, comparing a few similar products in a non-biased fashion would be of value. “How to” articles are also good candidates. Also, your professional opinion on a related subject would be good.
  • Use a spell-checker on the article. You would be surprised at how many articles have spelling mistakes. If necessary, copy and paste it into Microsoft Word. I would normally reject any article with spelling mistakes since it would make my site look less professional.
  • Have a friend proof-read it. This is just to pick out any obvious shortcomings.
  • Make sure that the title is really catchy. A good title will make or break your article. If you have a really good title, more people will read it – and more will click on the links embedded within.
  • Limit the links in the body of your article to the minimum necessary. Some e-zines have restrictions on the number of links you may have. A link to your site is normally done in another section called the author biography. Some e-zines have restrictions on the amount of links within the body of the article, or on self-promotion links. Also, many have a policy of prohibiting “affiliate” links. (Affiliate links are links to sites that give you a commission of some sort – per click or per sale.) Be prepared to remove these if necessary.
  • Limit the amount of formatting in the article. Several e-zines only accept plain text for the articles. Some allow you to use only a few HTML tags for paragraphs, page breaks, and lists. Never format the text fonts or colors when preparing the article. These are normally rejected because each webmaster that publishes your article wants to have tight control of the font and color schemes of their particular website. I would recommend that you start with two versions (one text and one html formatted) . Make special tailoring for different article warehouses as needed.

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