Halftime Betting for Football

There are several different ways bettors use the halftime wager, Bet88 Asia but for the most part, they use it more as a hedge bet. No matter how you want to bet a halftime bet, it is just another fun way to bet. A quick example of a halftime wager:Most likely, the over/under in the second half will be somewhere around 24 to 26.

Lets say you have a bet on the Dolphins and Bills game. The Dolphins were favored by 3 and are up 14-7 at halftime. At halftime a new bet comes out with a new spread. Most of the cases in which a team that is favored at the beginning of the game is up by more than the original spread, the underdog will most likely be favored in the second half.

With this example, the Bills being 3 point underdogs at the beginning of the game and find themselves down by 7 at halftime are most likely going to be favored in the second half by at least 3. Another example of this bet deals with the over/under. Lets still use the Dolphins/Bills game. The original over under of the game was 46. With it being a total of 21 points in the first half, the likelihood of the over/under of the second half to be more than 21 is a great possibility.

One of the biggest reasons for the halftime bet for a bettor is to hedge their bet. The thing with betting is, winning is great, losing sucks and a push is ok! Breaking even is a lot better than losing! With a halftime wager, you could possibly take that losing part out if the right bet is made.

Let’s stick with the Dolphins/Bills game. Lets say the Dolphins were favored by 3.5 and are up at halftime 24-7. The halftime bet comes out and the Bills are favored by 4. Your original bet was the Dolphins. Well, right now they look pretty good in covering the bet right? But you want to hedge your bet just to be on the safe side. So if you were to hedge your bet, you would bet on the Bills in the second half -4. Here are the possible scenarios that could play out:

1) The Bills go all out in the second half and win the game 28-27. Well, your original bet of the Dolphins -3.5 is down the drain BUT you did take the Bills in the second half so that bet covered. OUTCOME: HEDGE BET= PUSH

2) The Bills come out in the second half and get smoked and lose the game 41-10. You win your original bet of the Dolphins -3.5 BUT lose the second half bet of the Bills -4. OUTCOME: HEDGE=PUSH

3) The Bills come out in the second half and make a valiant effort but get beat 27-21. You win your original bet of the Dolphins -3.5 AND your second half bet of the Bills -4 because the Bills outscored the Dolphins in the second half 14-3. OUTCOME: HEDGE=DOUBLE YOUR MONEY.

The halftime wager is just another way to bet on a sporting event. It keeps you intrigued with the second half of even a blowout game! Just realize this when it comes to halftime wagering: You don’t get days, weeks, etc. to analyze the bet like you would with a regular spread on a game. You get about 10 minutes to figure it out and go from there. Choose wisely!

Halftime betting can be very beneficial to bettors that know what they are doing and have watched the first half with a purpose. The sports books only have a short time to put up a line for the second half and because of the short time frame, the so called smart money has not moved the lines yet. This is a golden opportunity for you to make money if you have done the research before the game has started and have watched the first half closely.

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